Higher Education Students' Loans Board

  • Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. P.O.Box 76068

  • General call +255 22 286 4643

  • Monday - Friday8:00am - 5:00pm

Prospective Students:

  1. To read and understand the Loan Application Guideline for the respective year
  2. To prepare all the attachments to support their applications (birth certificates, academic certificates, national IDs etc)
  3. To ensure all documents are certified by relevant authorities
  4. To complete and submit their applications online through OLAMS and a copy by EMS
  5. To visit this website for updates on their application

Student beneficiaries:

  1. To submit necessary information to Loan Officer (Registration number and bank details)
  2. To sign payments sent to his / her college within the stipulated time
  3. To inform the Loan Officer in advance, if there is any problem related to their loans
  4. To visit HESLB website for more information on Higher Education Loans


  1. To attest on correctness and authenticity of the applicant's information
  2. To remind the applicant on their responsibilities